Webinar auf Abruf

Everything You Can Do to Fight Social Engineering and Phishing

Social engineering and phishing are not just IT buzzwords; they are potent threats capable of devastating damage to your organization.   How can you safeguard your assets and data and shore up your defenses against these risks?   Watch this on-demand webinar hosted by Roger A. Grimes, author of the new book, "Fighting Phishing: Everything You Can Do to Fight Social Engineering and Phishing." He will speak to these growing threats and share a blueprint for fending them off.   By attending this webinar, you will: • Learn methods to help your user ...more

AI vs. AI - Combating Cybercriminals with an AI-Powered Security Awareness Training Program

Cybercriminals are diving into AI to make the world more dangerous for the rest of us.   Fortunately, infosec professionals like you can do something about it. Chances are you're already applying AI across your tech stack. Why not leverage it to fortify your human firewall? When it comes to the vital human element of cybersecurity, the power of AI can be used to your advantage to engage users with relevant training and keep them informed against evolving cyber attacks.   This whitepaper discusses ways bad actors are using AI for their own devic ...more

Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung: Berichterstattung als Motor der Veränderung

Die Welt der ESG-Berichterstattung entwickelt sich mit hoher Geschwindigkeit. Unternehmen, die sich keine Investitionsmöglichkeiten entgehen lassen wollen (und auch keine positive Stimmung bei Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Partnern), müssen sicherstellen, dass sie so bald wie möglich über einen wirksamen Rahmen verfügen. Auch wenn die Zielgruppen Informationen über ESG-Indikatoren in unterschiedlichen Formaten erhalten müssen, müssen die zugrunde liegenden Daten dieselben sein und das Erreichte widerspiegeln. Die Zeit ist reif für die Einführung ein ...more

Environmental, Social, and Governance: Leveraging Reporting to Drive Change

The world of ESG reporting is developing at high speed. Organizations that do not want to miss out on investment opportunities (as well as positive sentiment from employees, customers and partners), need to ensure that they have an effective framework in place as soon as possible. While audiences may need to receive information about ESG indicators in different formats, the underlying data must be the same and a true reflection of achievements. The time is right to implement a digital platform that supports the delivery of accurate and consiste ...more

insightsoftware ESG: The Flexible, Data-Driven Approach to Sustainability

Ditch complex, expensive solutions and clunky spreadsheets. insightsoftware ESG’s modular design streamlines your path to ESG compliance. Choose the tools you need to rapidly automate reporting, analyze data, and generate compliant reports. Focus on improving your impact, not wrestling with data. Stop Wasting Time on Manual Processes. Gathering accurate ESG data is often a tedious task involving multiple systems and stakeholders. insightsoftware ESG streamlines the process, seamlessly connecting with your existing ERP, HR, CRM, SCM, Excel, and ...more