How to Migrate from Oracle Access Manager to ForgeRock Identity & Access Management

Migrating from Oracle Access Manager (OAM) to ForgeRock Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Looking for an Oracle Access Manager alternative?
Legacy Web Access Management (WAM) systems like Oracle Access Management (OAM) have fundamental gaps that inhibit your business value and impede digital transformation. Fortunately, you can have a modern IAM system co-exist with the current legacy Oracle system, adding immediate value to your business, as you then plan a phased approach to migrate off of the old platform.

In this paper, we discuss:

-The features and capabilities of the ForgeRock Identity & Access Management systems

-The key concepts between ForgeRock and OAM that allow co-existence when migrating

-ForgeRock IAM migration phases including methodology and specific steps needed

Start your transformation. Download the guide today.

Provider: ForgeRock Limited   |   Size: 338 KB   |   Language: English