Over the past several years, investors, regulators and other stakeholders have increasingly requested environmental, social and governance (ESG) information from organizations. To assist in effective evaluations of reported information, these stakeholders have also raised expectations as to the completeness, accuracy, transparency, and consistency of this reported information. Historically, these stakeholders have leveraged a number of standards and frameworks to collect this information. While there is increased effort to align these reporting requirements, there are nuances driven by factors such as company jurisdiction, size and industry. The question thus becomes, “what specifically is required of my organization, and how do I meet these needs?”
As the second installment of the Deloitte and insightsoftware 3-part series, this session builds on Episode 1, ‘ESG regulation is Here – Are You Ready?’, to help you understand the specific requirements of your organization. The session covers important considerations for understanding requirements and facilitates a dialogue to help companies understand and address these requirements – including leading practices, common pitfalls, and lessons learned.