Expanding warehouse space - hall construction with system

Warehouses are used in various industries: logistics, automotive, packaging, beverage industry and many more are dependent on space for storage, order picking and production. The need for storage space is variable. Often a storage bottleneck can arise at very short notice, so that companies need more space as quickly as possible. The Corona crisis is currently having a global impact on the economy.

teaserExpanding warehouse space - hall construction with system

Production is paralyzed, supply chains are permanently disrupted. Many companies are unable to process goods and consequently cannot deliver them, while others want to stock up on sufficient materials in case the effects of the crisis become even worse. Accordingly, there is an acute need for stock.
Lightweight halls offer the advantage that they can be easily expanded. While this is not readily possible with other types of halls, such as those made of steel, lightweight aluminum halls benefit from the intelligent system design that allows for expansion.

What does system construction mean?

Die Systembauweise bedient sich eines modularen Baukastens. Leichtbauhallenanbieter haben in der Regel ein Sortiment an Standardbreiten und Traufhöhen. Diese lassen sich abhängig von der Windzone und der Schneelast des Baugebiets mit einer beliebigen Länge kombinieren. Besonders breite Leichtbauhallen werden in einer mehrschiffigen Bauweise realisiert. 

The hall itself consists of an aluminum frame that is erected first during assembly. Once the scaffolding is in place, it is covered with a roof tarpaulin and wall panels. Depending on the design, these can be insulated or not. Doors, gates and windows can be used in the walls as desired. Assembly in system construction is quick and easy. A 1000 m² hall can be completed in about five working days. If there is an urgent need for storage, companies can thus obtain more storage space in just a few weeks.

Once the lightweight hall is erected, it can be dismantled again. Furthermore, it is possible to extend it in length or to install additional gates and doors in the walls. This expandability is a great advantage, as companies can react as quickly as possible to any storage bottlenecks.

Leichtbauhalle erweitern – Was muss ich beachten? 

If the lightweight hall is to be extended, the hall supplier is the right contact. Especially for larger extensions, it makes sense to coordinate an on-site appointment with the provider and then obtain a quote. The subsoil, space and position of the escape doors must be considered when extending.

  • The base on which the extension is mounted and anchored is ideally of the same quality as the base of the existing hall. However, it should be clarified in advance of the expansion as to whether lines or cables run underground. In addition, it is necessary to see whether there is a slope. These tests can be carried out by the hall contractor as part of a pre-assembly inspection.

  • Another important factor is space. In addition to the area to be cultivated, a certain distance to buildings, walls or similar is required so that the hoist can maneuver. It should also be noted that the minimum distance to existing buildings must be maintained in accordance with fire regulations.

  • If the hall is to be extended, additional escape doors must be installed depending on the length. The maximum escape route of 25 m is legally required and must not be exceeded.

Even rented lightweight halls can be expanded without any problems. After the hall has been expanded, the lease will be adjusted so that companies do not have to pay a high investment budget for the extension.

Dátum: 15 April 2021, 15:04 pm   |   Autor: ED
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