Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Brokers

Gartner defines the cloud access security broker market as products and services that address security gaps in an organization’s use of cloud services. Especially designed to protect and control access to data that’s stored in someone else’s systems, CASBs deliver differentiated, cloud-specific capabilities that generally aren’t available as features in traditional security products. CASBs provide a central location for policy and governance concurrently across multiple cloud services and granular visibility into and control over user activities and sensitive data from both inside and outside the enterprise perimeter, including cloud-to-cloud access.

CASBs, now essential elements of cloud security strategies, help security and risk management leaders to discover cloud services and assess cloud risk. They identify and protect sensitive information, detect and mitigate threats, and institute effective cloud governance and compliance.

Anbieter: Lookout, Inc.   |   Sprache: Englisch