Fortinet Security Fabric Enables Digital Innovation

Organizations are rapidly adopting digital innovation (DI) initiatives to accelerate their businesses, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide better customer experiences. Common initiatives involve moving applications and workflows to the cloud, deploying Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices on the corporate network, and expanding the organization’s footprint to new branch locations.

With this evolving infrastructure also come security risks. Organizations must cope with growing attack surfaces, advanced threats, increased infrastructure complexity, and an expanding regulatory landscape. To accomplish their desired DI outcomes while effectively managing risks and minimizing complexities, organizations need to adopt a cybersecurity platform that provides visibility across their environment and a means to manage both security and network operations easily.

The Fortinet Security Fabric solves these challenges with broad, integrated, and automated solutions that enable security-driven networking, zero-trust network access, dynamic cloud security, and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven security operations. Fortinet offerings are enhanced with an ecosystem of seamless integrated third-party products that minimize the gaps in enterprise security architectures, while maximizing security return on investment (ROI).

ผู้ให้บริการ: Fortinet UK Limited   |   ขนาด: 1020 กิโลไบต์   |   ภาษา: อังกฤษ