Secure Network Transformation for dummies

Traditional enterprise network architectures are not architected for digital transformation. Pervasive cloud and mobility trends have created new vulnerabilities in an already complex cybersecurity landscape.
As organisations increasingly drive digital transformation initiatives and adopt multi-cloud, cloud-first strategies, the network must be transformed. Modern networks must support a secure, hybrid environment with next-generation technologies that include software-defined networking (SDN) and virtual network services (VNS), among others, to address today’s network and security challenges.

Secure Network Transformation For Dummies, Tata Communications Limited Edition, consists of six chapters that explore:

» The business drivers, requirements and industry use cases for secure network transformation (Chapter 1)
» The evolving business environment and the need for a borderless and agile workplace strategy (Chapter 2)
» The business value of digital transformation (Chapter 3)
» How to address cloud, hybrid and security challenges with secure network transformation (Chapter 4)
» How to build a roadmap for secure network transformation in your organisation (Chapter 5)
» Key capabilities in a secure network transformation partner (Chapter 6)

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