Cultivating customer loyalty by supporting choice making

Every customer likes to choose from a wide array of options, right? Well, maybe not. Behavioural scientists have been researching consumer choice making for decades. And the results indicate that it isn’t quite that simple. In fact, results show that consumers won’t necessarily choose the option with the greatest benefit. It seems choice leads to effort. And most consumers prefer a straightforward solution.

Zendesk teamed up with Dr. Tony Hockley of the London School of Economics & Political Science to shed light on the impact of choice and customer effort on brand perception and ultimately loyalty. This is the first in a series of 3 eBooks looking at behavioural economics and brand interactions.

In this ebook we dive into the research that has been done on choice making over the past 60 years, but also take you forward in time with real practical advice on how to use this research to build great customer relationships and cultivate customer loyalty through the art of supporting choice making.

Download the ebook Cultivating Customer Loyalty now.

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