We don’t have to tell you that being a manufacturer is tough today — you feel the pressure every day.

Rapid globalization, technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and evolving regulations are continually reshaping the industry, increasing competition, and raising the bar on performance.

You need to continually innovate and deliver 100 percent quality — 100 percent of the time. But operational hurdles, including too much paper and too many manual processes, limited visibility into work in progress, traceability issues and more, often get in the way. Working harder isn’t the answer — working smarter is.

Smart manufacturing offers new opportunities to connect people and systems, automate processes, track data from end to end, and capture and analyze information like never before. With smart manufacturing, your environment is connected, controlled, and operating at maximum levels of efficiency and accuracy. Its foundation requires an integrated platform that unites all of the domains needed to engineer, manufacture and deliver today’s smart products — a solution like the Plex Manufacturing Execution Suite (MES).

プロバイダー: Rockwell Automation BV   |   サイズ: 18.5MB   |   言語: 英語