Spend Insights Report: A better understanding of spending to move your business forward

It’s time to turn the resilience into something more than “powering through.” It is time to push forward – to reinvent how challenges are tackled, how change is approached, and how work gets done.

Doing so demands that we reconsider the status quo and re-evaluate our commitment to getting better. To get ahead, we all must be focused on continuous improvement – always trying to move faster and more efficiently to yield better results and always working to identify where to innovate and how to improve. Doing that requires us to examine our spending decisions – looking back and how, where, and who in your company spent money and exploring the moments those decisions were made. Was it a moment of connection – not just buying a plane ticket, but seeing a client face-to-face? Was it a moment of growth – not merely a stack of invoices, but an expansion into a new market?

These spending decisions – these moments that move your business forward – are simultaneously moments of opportunity and moments of risk. And to actively improve how you make those decisions in the future, you need to look to the past, to make sure your policies and processes still fit, so you can remove the barriers that hold your budgets back.

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