Global insights into CISO challenges, expectations and priorities

Last year’s report uncovered a palpable feeling among CISOs that there was a period of calm after a once-in-a-generation crisis. With the pandemic disruption finally subsiding and hybrid work setups a mainstay for most, CISOs felt comfortable that the worst was behind them. At the time, just 48% believed that a cyber attack was on the horizon within the coming year.

That’s changing. In this year’s survey, over two-thirds (68%) of CISOs said they feel at risk of a material cyber attack in the next 12 months. This pronounced shift suggests that security professionals see the threat landscape heating up once again, and have recalibrated their level of concern to match.

Prestataire: Proofpoint Singapore PTE LTD   |   Taille: 5,86 Mo   |   Langue: Anglais