Motivation Versus the Workaholic in HR: Coping with the Pressure

teaserMotivation Versus the Workaholic in HR: Coping with the Pressure

Many individuals choose a career in human resources due to the fact that this field is highly dynamic and that it presents a number of challenges. However, this fast-paced environment can be associated with its own set of problems. Of particular concern are those individuals who become workaholics as a result of their daily workloads. Tackling hundreds of emails, constantly communicating with other team members and managing large amounts of data can contribute to this state. What are some of the symptoms of this condition and what can management do to mitigate its effects?


Workaholism Versus Motivation: Knowing the Differences

One of the most important concepts to appreciate is how to identify an HR employee who is a workaholic as opposed to one who is simply motivated. Workaholics tend to produce impressive results for a period of time before exhibiting the classical signs of burnout. These include mental fatigue, stress, more days being missed as a result of illness and lower productivity. In fact, those who are workaholics can often suffer from very real conditions such as insomnia and high blood pressure. This are all warning signs which are not present in someone who is simply motivated to perform their daily tasks.


The Role of Management

HR managers need to take a proactive stance in order to spot these symptoms, as the workers themselves might not be aware of their presence. Furthermore, it is important to make others aware of how workaholism can impact their health. Meetings and company newsletters can be excellent vehicles to accomplish this. Additionally, rewards should be given in relation to the quality of work performed as opposed to the aggregate hours spent on a task. Should management adopt these practices, the mental and physical health of all HR employees will be vastly improved. 

التاريخ: 12 October 2017, 10:31 am