Is Your Business Ready To Fend Off a DDOS Attack?

teaserIs Your Business Ready To Fend Off a DDOS Attack?

Hackers in the 21st century are getting ever more devious and accomplished, particularly in the field of Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS). The attacks are increasing both in size and effect they have on businesses, and it is a gruelling affair to cope with them. 

But a company that ignores the threat is betting with its very livelihood. They can happen anywhere, at any time. 

Protecting Your Business From a DDOS Attack

The capacity of your system is the tipping point for a DDoS attack. As an interim manoeuvre it can pay to provision for extra capacity in the event of an attack. It doesn’t make sense to continually pay for a massive capacity that you wouldn’t normally use, but preparation for a little more than normal can help to begin with. Added to that, agreeing with your provider to let you have access to increased bandwidth, or being able to use the cloud to access extra in an emergency can help ameliorate the effect a DDoS attack has.

Reacting While a DDOS Attack Is Ongoing

Dumping logging and the files associated with it should be the first thing on the list when faced with an attack. During an attack there are so many requests, that threat management systems and servers cannot cope with the sheer volume. Cutting back on their workload can help to stop them failing, and also stop the failure of other systems that rely on them. 

Be prepared

In all cases, having a back-up plan is essential to a quick recovery from a denial of service. Even though real-time adjustments will always need to be made, with checklists and procedures in place, the response time to restoring your systems can be much faster than if a detailed plan needs to be made at the time of the attack. So, be prepared, and maybe you'll even beat the cybercriminals at their own game.

Дата: 28 September 2017, 8:08 am