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How to unlock the European E-Commerce market

The growing trend towards globalization has arrived at the online shopper: 57% said they have recently conducted cross-border shopping online (Shopify, 2017). According to Accenture (2017) cross-border online shopping is suppos...

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Become a Limelight Networks Sales Partner

Limelight Networks’ Sales Partner Programme makes it easy for you to o er the full suite of Limelight’s product portfolio to your customers. We can help you to grow your business with our unique suite of content delivery, video...

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Comprehensive Cybersecurity Defenses for Content Delivery

Cyber-criminals are increasingly sophisticated and targeted in their attacks. If you are in charge of ensuring the security of your company’s website, it has not been easy going as these notable security incidents reveal: • Sa...

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The IT Security Enforcer’s Advisory on Managed Security Services Models and Execution

Security is about protection, and in the enterprise IT environment, that means protection of a burgeoning array of physical and digital objects. Most objects, or property, within an enterprise can also be defined as assets, mak...

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Threats Are Evolving. Is Your Business?

Advances in technology have empowered your employees and customers alike to access and use information easier, faster and more reliably than ever before – sparking initiatives such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). One developme...

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The Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape in the MECA Region

Tata Communication's Avinash Prasad on Regional Nuances in 2018 Organizations in the Middle East and Central Asia are beginning to respond to the nuances of the evolving threat landscape in the region, says Avinash Prasad,...

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Overcoming E-tail Challenges to Deliver Exceptional Customer Experiences

While online retailing was once just about duplicating the in-store experience, it is now about so much more. Retailers are now expected to deliver fast, personalized shopping experiences featuring rich media and video on any d...

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Aktuelle Anforderungen an das Mobile Office

HP und haben in einer gemeinsamen Studie von Februar bis März 2018 IT-Entscheider aus der DACH-Region zu ihren aktuellen IT-Bedürfnissen befragt. Dabei zeigt sich: Das Mobile Office gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeut...

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Using Docker and Microservices for Developing Cloud Native Applications

Over the last few years new development models and software architectures have, for some, enabled rapid innovation and subsequent success and disruption in the marketplace. IT truly can become "the factory of the 21st century" ...

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Oracle Linux: Minimize Operating Expenses and Maximize Value

As companies are modernizing and simplifying their infrastructure with open technologies, Oracle Linux offers greater value than other commercial Linux releases. Backed by 24x7 support in 145 countries and deployed by thousands...

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