Mehr als zwei Jahre nach dem Ausbruch des COVID-19-Virus werden Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber weiterhin von den heftigen Winden der Pandemie erschüttert, die zahlreiche alte Gewissheiten zerstört hat. Gleichzeitig ist das wirts...
A más de dos años de la aparición del virus COVID-19, trabajadores y empleadores siguen siendo sacudidos por los fuertes vientos de la pandemia, que ha destruido numerosas viejas certezas. Al mismo tiempo, el panorama económic...
Plus de deux ans après l'apparition du virus COVID-19, les travailleurs et les employeurs continuent d'être secoués par les vents violents de la pandémie, qui a détruit de nombreuses certitudes anciennes. Dans le même temps, l...
A più di due anni dall'esordio del virus COVID-19, lavoratori e datori di lavoro continuano a essere cullati dai forti venti della pandemia, che ha distrutto numerose vecchie certezze. Allo stesso tempo, il panorama economico ...
Meer dan twee jaar sinds het begin van het COVID-19-virus worden werknemers en werkgevers nog steeds opgeschrikt door de krachtige wind van de pandemie, die tal van oude zekerheden heeft vernietigd. Tegelijkertijd is het econo...
More than two years since the onset of the COVID-19 virus, workers and employers continue to be rocked by the forceful winds of the pandemic, which has destroyed numerous old certainties. At the same time, the economic and po...
As an HR or finance decision-maker in a global company, you can scarcely have avoided the drive towards HR digital transformation over recent years. Whether your role is central or regional, you’re under pressure to scrutinise ...
From a security standpoint, blockchain represents an opportunity to reinforce the foundation of your business, but it’s important to look at the big picture when it comes to implementation. If you hang on to your current syst...
IT operations are evolving. You’re responsible for keeping thousands of apps online and available. But the pace of change is speeding up, and so are security risks—especially if you’re working in a multi-cloud container environ...
The security industry must transform. Tom Corn, Senior Vice President, Security Products at VMware, knows where to begin. Cloud can be the root of our solution rather than our problem if we seek ways to leverage its unique prop...