Adobe, in partnership with Edelman Data & Intelligence and Havas Play, has created this report to explore the state of creativity and the opportunities generative AI offers to improve productivity and creativity. It’s no s...
In the Pfeiffer Report Adobe Generative AI: Redefining Productivity in Creative Imaging, discover the quantifiable creative productivity improvements achieved when using Adobe Firefly in creative workflows, including in Adobe P...
Meeting customer demand can be a significant challenge for software businesses. Customers want new ways to both increase predictability and control as well as minimize cost and risk. Expectations for more convenient, subscript...
Competition is increasingly fierce for software businesses. It’s hard to keep pace with customer and employee demands in an ever-changing world. End customers want control and subscription-based software provides this, along ...
La concorrenza tra le aziende di software diventa sempre più agguerrita. È difficile stare al passo con le richieste di dipendenti e clienti in un mondo in continua evoluzione. I clienti finali vogliono avere il totale control...
Did you know that 61% of organizations worldwide are aggressively shifting their strategy to consumption-driven infrastructure spend? It’s no big surprise. Consumption-based spending reduces the risk of expensive IT overheads ...
Sapevi che il 61% delle aziende a livello globale sta trasferendo la propria strategia verso investimenti in un'infrastruttura orientata ai consumi? Non sorprende. La spesa basata sui consumi riduce i rischi di costi IT eccess...
La capacità di soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti pone una sfida significativa alle software house. I clienti finali vogliono trovare nuovi modi per aumentare la prevedibilità e il controllo e ridurre al minimo costi e rischi....
As a sales leader, you are the first to feel the pain of losing customers and deals to competitors - possibly, competitors offering a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. Did you know that 61% of organizations worldwide are ...
Come responsabile commerciale sei il primo a subire le ripercussioni della perdita di clienti e del loro passaggio alla concorrenza, che potrebbe essere in grado di offrire una soluzione Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Sapevi ch...