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Nutzung des Identitätsmanagements zur Positionierung der Sicherheit als Business Enabler

Was erfahren Sie in diesem InfoBrief? Teil 1 KONTEXT Sicherheitsverantwortliche stehen unter dem Druck, Lösungen über die Bereitstellung von Technologien und die Abwehr von Bedrohungen hinaus zu liefern. Insbesondere müssen ...

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Service KPIs - 18 Things to Consider

Key performance indicators (KPIs) may have many different names (objectives, metrics, targets or personal goals) and they can be either a framework to customer service success or a ball and chain which removes an agent and mana...

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Communication is Key to Remote Work: Empower Your Virtual Employees and Unlock Your Team’s Potential

This is an unsettling and challenging time for us all. There is a global sense of uncertainty and fear about how and when to take our collective next step forward. Governing bodies, healthcare professionals, and business leader...

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Salesforce® and Vonage: The perfect combination for service

If you’re in business to win, you need to compete and win the Customer Experience battle. Even back in 2017, Gartner’s survey of CX leaders showed that 81 per cent of them believed they would be competing mostly or entirely on ...

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Le Cinque Lezioni Apprese dal Assaggio a Una Forza Lavoro Distribuita

Oggi è sempre più importante permettere ai dipendenti di lavorare in remoto, non soltanto perché questo ne accresce la flessibilità e la produttività, ma anche perché li fa sentire più coinvolti e soddisfatti. Ultimamente, il c...

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Five Lessons Learned from the Pivot to a Distributed Workforce

Today, it is increasingly important to enable your employees to work remotely. Working remotely gives employees flexibility while making them even more productive, which in turn keeps them engaged and happy. Blurring the lines ...

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Guida All'Acquisto per l'Ottimizzazione Della Rete Estesa dei Dipendenti da Remoto

Le politiche di isolamento messe in atto all'inizio del 2020 hanno costretto in casa la maggior parte dei dipendenti, che per i mesi successivi hanno cercato di rimanere connessi e produttivi, mentre i team IT si impegnavano a ...

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A Buyer’s Guide to Optimizing Remote Employees’ Extended Network

The shelter-in-place mandates put in place earlier in 2020 sent most employees home, and for the next few months they strived to stay connected and productive, while IT teams scrambled to provide infrastructures to support them...

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Blueprint for a Future Ready Workforce: A 3-Stage Approach for Adopting Modern Management and Security

How IT adapts in times of change: When global events caused companies to make a rapid pivot to remote work, IT had no choice but to act fast. No matter where they were on the path to digital transformation, IT organizations ac...

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Come l'Hybrid Cloud Può Diventare Realtà: 3 Organizzazioni Spiegano la Loro Strategia

Le organizzazioni continueranno a trarre vantaggio dagli investimenti fatti nel data center. Eppure molte di quelle stesse organizzazioni vogliono anche poter usufruire dei vantaggi esclusivi offerti dal public cloud (vantaggi ...

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