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Which Next-generation Endpoint Security Enhancements Are Required

Endpoints continue to be one of the favorite targets for cyberattacks. A successfully compromised laptop, smartphone, or Internet-of-Things (IoT) device can provide a foothold for threats to move laterally, infect other endpoin...

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Quattro considerazioni critiche per la progettazione dell’architettura di sicurezza

Le organizzazioni stanno rapidamente adottando iniziative di innovazione digitale (DI, Digital Innovation) per accelerare il loro business, ridurre i costi, migliorare l’efficienza e fornire una migliore esperienza ai clienti. ...

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EV Powertrain Test

Electric vehicle (EV) powertrain components and systems are rapidly evolving. Explore this solution brief to learn how NI’s highly adaptable, platform-based test solutions can scale to meet your application needs. Topics inclu...

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The Road to Recovery – Growing Your Business in China

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a major slowdown in the global economy. However, China is recovering faster than many countries and is predicted to register growth in 2020 while other major economies continue to battle the ...

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The Business Continuity Roadmap for Transportation & Logistics Companies - Today. Tomorrow. The Future.

As governments lift restrictions and businesses return to a “new normal” Transportation and Logistics organizations have a unique opportunity to understand the changes brought forth by COVID-19 and plan for what comes next. Ov...

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Ciò di cui ha bisogno la forza lavoro distribuita

Il passaggio allo smart working è avvenuto rapidamente. Alcune aziende già vi facevano ricorso, sebbene in misura limitata. Per altre, è stato un brusco scossone. Offrire ai dipendenti un accesso continuo ad app e dati a distan...

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What Every Distributed Workforce Needs

The pivot to remote work happened fast. For some, business was unusual but steady. For others, it was a giant wake-up call. Harder than expected to give employees continuous access to apps and data from everywhere for maximum p...

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Grazie ai progressi della tecnologia del Digital Workspace negli ultimi anni, la forza lavoro distribuita, con tutti i suoi vantaggi, è diventata un'opzione sempre più praticabile per le aziende. Nonostante le promesse di rispa...

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In che modo 8 settori hanno velocizzato il successo: soluzioni VMware Future Ready Workforce

Il proseguimento della pandemia mette le aziende di fronte a un numero sempre maggiore di incertezze. Le questioni economiche e relative al fatturato vengono inasprite dalla diffidenza delle organizzazioni su quanto le loro sol...

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How 8 Industries Speed Success: VMware Future Ready Workforce Solutions

As global pandemic continues, businesses face more uncertainty than ever. Revenue and economic questions are exacerbated by anywhere organizations’ wariness about how prepared their technology solutions are to address not only ...

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