Di questi tempi, molti dei tuoi collaboratori, se non l’intera forza lavoro, lavorano da casa. La tua azienda opera in modo diverso, e anche la sicurezza informatica deve cambiare. Sebbene il potenziale di rischio cresca in un ...
These days, more of your people—maybe even your entire workforce—are working from home. Your operations have shifted, and your cybersecurity needs to, too. But even as the potential for risk widens amidst a rapidly evolving thr...
It’s predicted that, by 2022, 30% of large enterprises will have moved to a platform- and product-specific approach to standardised ERP capabilities. But which ERP cloud solution should manufacturers and distribution companies ...
New opportunities have arisen for finance leaders—but only if you’re willing to make big moves in unpredictable times. To illustrate this point, research from MIT Technology Review reveals that 52% of executives who wish to tra...
If your business is to recapture growth and thrive in the next normal, you must be willing to make big moves, with finance taking the lead. Research from MIT Technology Review shows that 66% of businesses have already initiated...
When you’re prepared to hit the accelerator and once again turn your focus to the future, you can gain the competitive edge despite unpredictable time. Discover the big, innovative moves that you can make to recapture growth in...
Economic progress usually goes hand in hand with technological progress. The Industrial Revolution of the 1800s used the power of steam to augment biological muscles. Automation put this power to work in manufacturing. Computer...
Mentre le aziende guardano alle sfide che le attendono nel mondo post-pandemia, un’unica valutazione è condivisa da tutti: tornare a lavorare non significherà tornare alla normalità. Dopo mesi durante i quali il nostro modo di ...
L’esplosione del volume dei dati prodotti dalla rete impone di elaborarli, immagazzinarli e analizzarli in prossimità del punto in cui vengono generati, ovvero sull’Edge. Cosa pensano di questo cambiamento i decision maker IT (...
Every decade or so, we’ve seen the technology market undergo major shifts. Over the past few decades, those shifts have been driven by mobility and the cloud. Now we’re entering the next big shift: the era of data—but we’re not...