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Reinventing work-How leading organisations are connecting teams, tools and partners in a work-from-anywhere world

We’re coming off one of the most challenging years in business history. The pandemic forced every company to accelerate transformations that typically take years or even decades. Chief among them? The transition to a digital ...

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Relever tous les défis grâce à l'automatisation intelligente

2022 est l'année où l'automatisation prend tout son sens. Les entreprises sont prêtes, la technologie se met en place et il ne vous reste plus qu'à vous lancer et à commencer à en récolter les bénéfices. De nombreuses entrepri...

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How Gamification is Revolutionizing E-Learning

6 Tips for Your Security Awareness Training Awareness training that is fun and effectively protects your organisation from cyber attacks? Find out how - and how you can increase user engagement by up to 43% - in our white pape...

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Lämna över det administrativa jobbet till en robot

Skulle ni kunna tänka er att lämna över allt administrativt arbete till en robot och låta medarbetarna fokusera på roligare och mer värdeskapande arbete? Ladda ner vår guide och läs om hur Robotic Process Automation (RPA) radi...

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Framtidens ERP

Hur ser framtidens ERP-lösning ut? Ladda ner denna rapport från Constellation Research för att förstå vilka behov, utmaningar och trender som formar framtidens affärssystem. Tillsammans med analysföretaget Constellation Resear...

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ERP as a platform

An exclusive discussion between our Chief Product Officer Dmitri Krakovsky and HFS analyst Joel Martin on ERP Modernization. HFS tells us ERPx meets their triple-A-trifecta for people-centric organizations, elevating ERP from ...

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7 principali casi d'uso del machine learning per le startup

Le pressioni del mercato, come la transizione al lavoro da remoto e l'esigenza di una maggiore collaborazione online, causano interruzioni dei flussi di lavoro e sfidano le startup di oggi a fare ancora di più con meno risorse ...

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Solving the Talent Puzzle

The top five percent of professional services organizations (PSOs) are experiencing low levels of attrition, high levels of employee satisfaction, impressive billable staff utilization rates and increased revenue from every emp...

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Top 7 Machine Learning Use Cases for Startups

Market pressures, like the transition to remote work and the need for greater online collaboration, are disrupting workflows and challenging today’s startups to do more with less—and continue to grow in the face of uncertainty....

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Gestione dell'elaborazione dei dati per il machine learning

In questo eBook, forniamo informazioni dettagliate e guide pratiche sull'elemento fondamentale della pratica del machine learning: l'elaborazione dei dati. Iniziamo fornendo una comprensione più approfondita dei dati di machine...

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