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The Total Experience: How to Translate Employee Experience into Customer Experience

The employee experience is interdependent with the customer experience. It’s that simple. This has long been the case, but increasingly this is being referred to as the Total Experience. Download today to learn how to improve...

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Three Ways to Reimagine Your Customers’ Experience

Customer experience is the main differentiator in business today, with almost three quarters of consumers saying that this is the key factor in their purchase decision. But, in a world of constant digital disruption, proliferat...

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Fastest Path to Cloud Adoption

While enterprises are moving toward the cloud, legacy and core systems will remain important for the foreseeable future. This is why many companies are looking at hybrid IT as a path forward to incrementally migrate and moderni...

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How to Quickly Deliver Digital Services From Legacy Systems

“Legacy systems” like mainframes and midrange systems are common in well-established companies who have been building their markets and brands for decades. Emerging tech companies are forcing established enterprises to more clo...

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Headline: Discover how to bring your customers closer to improve CX in Retail

With 75% of customers expecting an omnichannel experience retailers need to act decisively and proactively. Download the guide to see how you can streamline interactions from queue management and appointment scheduling to omnic...

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Headline: Discover how to bring your customers closer to improve CX in Banking

With the global digital banking market set to reach 30.1 billion US dollars by 2026, banks must continue to maximize the value of all their channels to offer customers fast, connected, and personalized experiences. Download the...

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Using machine learning to make the world a better place

With the evolution of machine learning technologies, industries and categories are now using the power of machine learning for the benefit of society. Learn how innovators are tapping into the best practices, in-depth expertis...

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Magic Quadrant per i servizi per sviluppatori IA nel cloud

Per creare applicazioni di nuova generazione, gli sviluppatori hanno bisogno di servizi che migliorino le capacità applicative nelle aree del machine learning automatizzato, del linguaggio e della visione. I leader dell’ingegne...

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2022 Gartner Report Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services

In the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is recognized as a Leader and has been placed highest on Ability to Execute. In this report, discover why Gartner positioned AWS (Amazon Web Services) as a Leader ba...

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7 modi in cui il machine learning risolve i problemi aziendali

Vai oltre le aspettative e scopri i vantaggi tangibili del machine learning. In questo eBook abbiamo descritto sette casi d'uso principali in cui le aziende hanno applicato con successo il machine learning per ottenere risultat...

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