Archivo whitepaper

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Six Ways Application Requirements Drive Your Infrastructure Decisions

Applications touch nearly every aspect of the modern company. And the dependency on using applications to streamline business processes and drive new revenue sources is only growing stronger. Thanks to new tools and platforms, ...

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9 reasons to trust Red Hat OpenShift and Microsoft Azure

Containers and cloud technologies play a key role in helping organizations capitalize on the opportunities of the digital world. With a jointly engineered and supported solution, Red Hat and Microsoft have come together to enab...

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Simplify Container Adoption with Red Hat and Microsoft

Red Hat and Microsoft offer a managed, cloud-based container environment that lets you adopt an enterprise Kubernetes platform more quickly and easily. This jointly engineered solution helps you: Empower your developers to inn...

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8 reasons to adopt Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Containers and cloud technologies help organizations capitalize on digital opportunities. An enterprise-ready container platform like Red Hat® OpenShift® allows your business to develop cloud-native applications while managing ...

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Los cinco desafíos principales de la migración de aplicaciones a la cloud

A medida que las cargas de trabajo globales aceleran y las empresas buscan modernizar sus aplicaciones para ofrecer una mejor experiencia digital con el fin de captar, atender y retener a los clientes, la necesidad de una mayor...

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Una vía sencilla, intrínsecamente segura y rápida para la migración a la nube y la modernización

Los responsables de la toma de decisiones de TI pueden utilizar VMware Cloud on AWS para acelerar la transición a la nube, ya que permite migrar las aplicaciones con un mínimo de complejidad y riesgo y modernizarlas con Kuberne...

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Sentar las bases de una nube híbrida

VMware ayuda a miles de clientes a modernizar sus entornos de TI y a adoptar las últimas tecnologías de nube. Esta descripción contiene las historias de dos clientes de VMware que trazaron rutas de transición a la nube híbrida ...

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Laying the Foundation for Hybrid Cloud

VMware helps thousands of customers modernize their IT environments and adopt the latest cloud technologies. This overview contains stories from two VMware customers who charted unique paths to the hybrid cloud. One focused on ...

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Tres motivos convincentes para realizar la consolidación en una infraestructura hiperconvergente

Los equipos de TI se ven sometidos a una presión constante para que sus operaciones evolucionen debido a que la infraestructura tradicional, que suele estar formada por soluciones de almacenamiento aisladas, complejas y cada ve...

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Three Compelling Reasons to Consolidate on Hyperconverged Infrastructure

IT teams are under constant pressure to evolve their operations because traditional infrastructure—typically comprised of sprawling, siloed, and complex storage solutions—often can’t keep up with the pace of change that modern ...

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