Email remains the most common initial attack vector for cybercriminals. Infiltrating an organisation via an email-based attack can happen at any level — phishing is not only targeted at the C-suite. Once attackers have got an i...
A cyberattack can affect your business in many ways, depending on its nature, scope, and severity. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), cybercrime cost $3.5 billion in losses in 2019 alone, with busines...
As organizations adopt hybrid work, they need to extend security to employees no matter where they may be located. The work-from-anywhere (WFA) model presents security risks, so it's critical for organizations to provide enterp...
Providing secure, reliable, and consistent access to corporate assets and applications to today’s hybrid world is one of the biggest challenges facing IT teams. Secure, authenticated access to critical applications and resource...
Fortinet commissioned a global research study to get a better understanding of companies’ current work-from-anywhere (WFA) policies and their cybersecurity issues. Five hundred seventy organizations from around the world with a...
The hybrid workforce has become a reality for most businesses, yet it creates new headaches by expanding the organization’s attack surface. This challenges security and IT teams as they work to secure these remote users. One st...
Die Bereitstellung eines sicheren, zuverlässigen und einheitlichen Zugriffs auf Unternehmensressourcen und -anwendungen für hybride Arbeitsmodelle zählt zu den größten Herausforderungen für IT-Teams und ist zugleich ein entsche...
Las nuevas tecnologías digitales están impulsando el cambio a un ritmo sin precedentes en todos los sectores. Para seguir siendo competitivas en este mundo tan cambiante, las organizaciones requieren, sobre todo, velocidad y ag...
Over the past several years, organizations have been engaged in expanding their multi-edge networking strategies to not only enable new work-from-anywhere (WFA) realities but also support workers as they become increasingly dep...
Durante la última década, la tecnología ha ido evolucionando sin cesar para ofrecer a los trabajadores más flexibilidad en los dispositivos que utilizan, los lugares desde los que pueden trabajar y los recursos a los que pueden...