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The Complete Guide to Migrating Your Enterprise Archiving System

Imagine that you’re the chief compliance officer of a large company trying to comply with an e-discovery request for employee communications. As your team wades through hundreds of terabytes of emails, chats and collaboration t...

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Compliance in the age of digital collaboration

The nature of work was already going through a structural shift when a pandemic gripped the world in 2020. More people are working remotely. Far-Flung teams work together across geographies and time zones. And your users - eage...

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Empowering your people: How executives can jump-start the flexible workplace

The Great Resignation. The Big Quit. Whatever name it goes by, the recent increase in employee turnover is part of a major shift in the way employees see their jobs. These changes are across role and function—from summer intern...

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Enterprise Travel and Expense Software Maturity Model

The SAP Concur organisation and IDC introduce a new Travel and Expense (T&E) Maturity Model, which helps large organisations to assess their T&E program maturity. The program maturity model discusses T&E application...

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Think You Know SAP Concur Think Again

We are more than just an expense solution. You may have some preconceived ideas of what we do, to many we are the expense people, for others it is travel but the truth is we are both of these things and so much more. SAP Con...

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What does best-in-class spend management look like - and why does it matter now?

For many organisations, there's a simple driver behind the implementation of an automated spend management programme - to improve efficiency and effectiveness. But improving efficiency and effectiveness isn't a 'done once' acti...

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2022 IDC Travel and Expense Software Maturity Model

The SAP Concur organisation and IDC introduce a new Travel and Expense (T&E) Maturity Model, which helps large organisations to assess their T&E program maturity. The program maturity model discusses T&E application...

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Træn jeres planlægningsmuskler

BARC er et uafhængigt markedsanalysefirma, der har udarbejdet et dybde-gående studie af, hvordan planlægning vil se ud i fremtiden i takt med at verden forandrer sig. Deres studie undersøger, hvad moderne planlægning og forecas...

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Mød udfordringerne i din virksomhed med smart automatisering

Lær, hvordan servicevirksomheder kan implementere ny automatiseringsteknologi for at imødekomme nye kunders forventninger, levere bedre forretningsresultater og muliggøre større personaleydelse og produktivitet. Servicevirksomh...

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of Slack For Technical Teams

Slack is now our office. What we did face-to-face, we now do in Slack. And in terms of culture, in some ways it’s better than the water cooler or pop-ins – since Slack can be asynchronous, you won’t be interrupting people while...

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