CIOs Score Huge As Influencers of Business

CIOs Score Huge As Influencers of Business

During their annual CIO survey held this year, Nash and KPMG expressed to the world that technology leaders are experiencing a change that has soared to unprecedented levels, and all this is coming from unexpected quarters. Executives in technology are taking advantage of the uncertainty by assisting their firms become more tech savvy and to get through transformation and be successful.


CIOs become more integrated and important

For a decade, the impact of CIOs in the economy has been at a record high. Most of them can be seen in the boardrooms more frequently. They are leaders who have developed a bond with their counterparts and are more than satisfied in their careers. However, they face the constant acute lack of skills and cyber insecurity.

From the survey, it can be concluded that most organizations are adjusting their technology policy due to record global political and economic ambiguity. Most of the companies are also sustaining or increasing investment in technology, especially in digital labor. Most businesses have adopted digital strategies because cyber security vulnerability is currently at its highest.


Huge discrepancy between leading organizations and the rest

It is evident that the fast developing tech expertise in enterprise architecture and IT projects succumb to failure due to complexity, weak proprietorship, an exaggerated optimistic attitude, and uncertain goals. Further examination of the data also established a clear discrepancy between establishments that are efficient at digital revolution and those that are not. CIOs at these leading digital organizations are almost twice as likely to be leading innovation throughout the business, and their companies are spending on perceptive computerization at four times more than other agencies.

Also, a female CIO was more likely to get a salary increase last year than their male counterparts in the previous year, but their number in IT leadership is still small.

CIOs are more content with their roles. They enjoy the rise in prominence of their sector and function. Several executives from different sectors are seeking their expertise to help them fulfill their departmental goals.

Date: 31 August 2017, 8:55 am
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